The Benefit of the NSAC
The Benefit of the National School Art Collective
The program will have lasting effects on students, schools, businesses, artists, and the culture of communities for generations.
The program will have lasting effects on students, schools, businesses, artists, and the culture of communities for generations.
1. Provide Funding, Resources, and Expertise to Schools: We help schools that need help and a boost to morale. The program in the beginning is primarily funded by the NSAC. We work with schools to develop the program that supports the collection long term.
2. Arts Experience For All Students: Every student in the school will be making critical decisions about what is in the collection by casting their vote each year. They will take an active role in deciding how their school looks and is perceived. This creates more ownership by the students and reverence for their school.
3. Enhancement to the Curriculum: Teachers will have opportunities to integrate the art collection into their lessons that foster high levels of critical thinking including analysis and evaluation. While it is used to enrich curriculum in areas such as language arts, social studies, and other courses of study it will serve as the fabric that ties generations of students together.
4. Relationship Building: We help build relationships between schools, local and statewide artists, art organizations, universities and colleges, and local business communities. Opportunities are vast as this program affects so many at different levels.
5. Benefit to Local Businesses: For businesses, it is another opportunity to partner with their local schools as well as provide services that support the art collections. This can include framing, lighting, marketing, printing, shipping, and a host of other services.
6. Support and Honor Artists: Professional artists are often asked to donate pieces of art to charities for free. That’s not what the program asks artists to do. We honor artists who support the program and the schools interested in their art by promoting them and paying them for their work. Artists in each state will have opportunities to share their art through the process and engage in dialogue with the student curators.
7. Art Collections for Communities: In some parts of the country, the collection may be the closest thing their community has to an “art museum”. The collections are an available resource for the students, faculties, and greater school communities. They expose students to art throughout each day and become a strong influence on the culture of the schools
8. Develop Patrons of the Arts: We hope that future generations will be affected in a way which compels them to continue to value and support the arts in society. A commitment to supporting local art collections is a commitment to protecting our history and the things in life that we value most.